Wednesday, March 25, 2009


March 23

Once again, passed out in his high chair with a mouth full of food.

March 25

Having a nap in his big boy bed! He did so well, and I'm so proud of him!
A close up of him sleeping, just becasue he's so darned cute.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Ryland's Birthday

March 21
Jacob just loved playing in the toddler area at Jumpin' Jiminy's

"Mmmm! This is a good...what is this? Oh, it's a hot dog. Well, it's REALLY GOOD!"

You know, I have never seen him eat a cupcake this tidily. He barely had any crumbs on his shirt, and no icing. I was really proud of him!
ETA: He peed in the potty again yesterday!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

In Sickness and in Health

Jacob was HORRIBLY sick. He has a sinus and ear infection, which, thanks to the meds, is getting much better.
March 12

At his sickest. He didn't want to be awake, he didn't want to eat. He had a horrible fever, and when he wasn't boiling up, he had chills. He had green sludge pouring out of his nose, and a cough that was so bad it made him throw up, and all he threw up was mucous because he wouldn't eat.

March 13

We'd just given him his second dose of meds. Isn't the difference amazing! He slept 13 hours after the first dose of meds and it was like he was a totally different boy. No fever, no chills, no sludge. He had the cvough, and kept on coughing until he vomited. All that came up was more green sludge, but then the coughing stopped. His appetite is also back, full force.
He was still prone to "nap attacks."

Ooooooh! Backyardigans!
This is another way to tell he's sick. He never sits and watches TV.
Sorry for the mess. He tore apart the living room yesterday, and I've never been so glad to see him make a mess.

March 14

His new cheese face. I have NO idea where he learned it.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March 6, 8, 10, 11

OK so I know that I've been a bad blogger, but we've been moving and I've been busy.
So anyway here goes.

March 6
Jacob is potty training! Apparently it's very funny to blow Momma raspberries while on the potty. He's going to kill me some day for posting this, (haha) so why not let him have his fun. *insert evil laugh here*
March 8

He actually fell asleep while eating lunch. You can even see he still has food in his mouth.

March 10

Yes, it's the same top, but it was washed. Jacob was horsing around on the couch, and it was picture-worthy.

March 11.
MMM waffles and milk. Yum. He's feeling much better today!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Updates...with a LOT missed

Pebruary 23
Loving the new pad. Sorry for all the missing dates, but SOMEBODY packed my camera. We should be back on track now.
February 24
Having a relaxing moment, sitting on the couch with Momma, watching Bicentennial Man.
February 25
Mmmm bread!
(Yeah he's wearing the same shirt, but I washed it, I swear.)