Monday, February 2, 2009


We are all doing really well. Jacob has prgressed in leaps and bounds, it's really amazing. His coordination has improved so much, and his verbal skills are really coming along. In the last two weeks he seems to have become a little boy.
His eye is just about completely healed, there's only a few discolourations left and that's it. We've really been living in our own little world these last two weeks, and I've loved it. I really feel like our bond has gotten even stronger.
We'll be moving soon, and I'm really excited. We'll be living very close to my good friends Nicci and Lisa. I see some playdates coming soon! (haha)
We're off to Vancouver again tomorrow for a follow up which I think will go very well. Jacob's prescription has been sent off to the lab, as well, so now we're waiting on his glasses to get here.

Here's a list of all the new things Jacob has learned to do in the last two weeks.

- signs "eat"
- says "no," "uh oh," and "cookie."
- lifts his leg so I can remove his pants.
- walk on differently textured surfaces without trippping.
- stack
- is THIS close to figuring out how to use a fork!

When we move to the new place, it's bye bye crib!

We started moving tonight. Hopefully it only takes 2 weeks or so. I want out of here, and the sooner the better.

Jacob and I have been spending a lot of time with one of my best friends and her daughter. Cierra, just turned one, and has a big mouthful of teeth. She's walking, and her and Jacob turn into little troublemakers when they're together. I love it. It feels like they're actually FRIENDS, not just two babies that have been thrust together becuase their moms are friends. It's the best.

Well that's the update for now. Thanks for reading!